Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How a Month Goes By!

Yesterday I realized that a month had gone by since my last post! I realized a few other things as well....1) Winter Sucks! - I have been sick may more than I prefer to be and I am actually getting sick of snow days..I know - everyone is- Let's just be glad that spring is coming soon! Keep wearing your bright colors folks! Here is an update on what's been going on over hear in the last month!

I was sick...on a weekend...useless! 

THEN...we celebrated my nephews christening! This is baby number 4- Jacob Allen...you should all know some things about Jacob Allen (aka Jake the Snake):

                           1. He is as cuddly as a teddy bear
                           2. He so sweet that he just smiles and laughs at you when you talk to him it's SO cute
                           3. He's huge! 

So my assignment for the christening was to make a fruit tree...not really my forte but I was in for the challenge...my naturally inquisitive and daring boyfriend wanted to do one too...his was made of meat, cheese, and whisky....he called it a "man tree"....I don't know 

After the christening I figured out how to make these guys.....

These are Cherry Walnut Muffins that my mom used to make for Christmas. After 3 failed tries I made a gluten-free version and was totally stoked! They were gone quickly!


I had the awesome opportunity to make a birthday cake for my sister's friend who has a little boy allergic to soy...I used beet powder for the first time to dye the Power Ranger red! 

My good friends Chrissy and Geoff celebrated their first wedding anniversary! Chrissy's mom asked me to bring over to treats for them to celebrate with. She also asked me to bring them some gluten/dairy free chicken pot pies- they JUST had a baby at Christmas time...Cadence is a peanut...the exact opposite of Jacob. She looks just like her dad and is sweet as pie!

Congratulations Chrissy and Geoff!!!

Since Chrissy and Geoff both are gluten and dairy free everything I sent to them was too...

 Chocolate Cupcakes with Fluffy White Frosting

Gluten/Dairy Free Chicken Pot Pies...I've been making these in mass quantities lately for my niece and mom who both have allergies.

Phil thought it would be hilarious if we made the crust on one of them look like Yoda...

 We ate this little peanut one for dinner...

Cinnamon Sugar Donuts....these things are actually gram's recipe. She made them and gave some to Phil.. They smelled so good that I just needed some for myself so I tweaked it and made a batch of gluten/dairy free ones...they were a hit! Even Gram liked them!!

And Finally...

Valentine's Day is and has always been one of my favorite days. Honestly, what could be bad about a day dedicated to eating chocolate, making paper hearts, and telling people how much they rock! This day has extra special meaning for my now because it is the day Phil and I had our first date. We didn't mean to plan it for Valentine's Day...we actually had planned on the 7th but when he showed up I got a phone call and had to leave! haha...I stood him up! Anyways, we rescheduled for the 14th. I brought him Hershey's Hugs because it was Valentine's Day- but I ate them before he had the chance...classy right? 

He's been talking a lot about cookie cakes lately so I took the hint and made him one...

The pink frosting is dyed with beet powder...that was only a little too! It looks incredible with a lot in it!

Whew! That was a long one! More to come in the next few days! Happy Winter! 

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