Saturday, January 18, 2014

Congratulations Laura and John!!

I grew up in a very small town called Belchertown. A great name for a relatively inconspicuous little place, Belchertown was named for a political family in Massachusetts. It was originally called "Cold Spring." In addition  to its unusual name, Belchertown is pretty neat. When I was growing up we graduated high school with the same kids we went to preschool with. We all knew probably more about each other than we wanted to and we bounced around who we were friends with by the year. It was in this sleepy little town in the Pioneer Valley that I made some very close friends. Yesterday, one of my closest friends became the first of us to have a little munchkin! This post and baking is for Laura, John, and their new little girl Amelia Noel...Congratulations!!

Dear new little girly,

I am so happy to hear that you have finally arrived! Since we heard about you we have been talking about what  kind of fruit you resemble- I am so glad that you now resemble a little bitty person instead. You should know that your parents are amazing people. I have known your mommy for a very long time and have always been impressed with how incredibly caring and able she is. If you ever need anything- even a way to get to the moon- I am sure that she will find a way to get you there. I can't wait to meet you in person! Even more, I can't wait to see what you are like when you are an old lady like your mom. You should know a few things about this woman you have been spending so much time with for the last 9 months...For instance, she once saran wrapped someone's car in the middle of the night. She is not afraid to be seen in public wearing a chicken hat. She also is not afraid to be seen (or not seen) helping anyone who needs it and she doesn't shy away from a challenge (that means she's ready for whatever you have to offer). And, if she is anything like she was in college, she doesn't need to sleep a lot so don't worry about keeping her up- she's ready for it! Welcome to the world!!

                                           Love, Sarah
Amelia Noel's pink cherry walnut muffins...


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