Friday, January 3, 2014

"Learn How to Make Puff Pastry:

After three batches of puff pastry I am happy to say that my New Years Resolution for this year should probably change to "Learn How to Make Puff Pastry." Gallet des rois is on hold until next January! Next January get excited for the most bangin' gallet des rois this side of 495!!!! 

For now we can all just be very excited that it finally puffed! Not evenly, probably not as much as it could have as I could probably have left it in the oven much longer, and now I don't know exactly what to do with it aside from bring it to a girls night tomorrow completely naked! BUT IT PUFFED! I dedicate this puff pastry to the end of my Christmas break from school...soon there will be fewer posts...and my food may become ugly...early warning...

Also, get excited- you're about to see me flip out with excitement because IT PUFFED!!!

Batch #2- Cold butter, bad news, I put it in the oven anyways and unabashedly ate it coated in cinnamon and sugar...AND we didn't go to the gym...HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

I did this to make myself feel better about batch #2...that orchid in the back is dead...

Batch #3!!!! Look how smooth!!! I think this is my best "rolling" experience ever...I don't like rolling and have many times just taken pie dough and pressed it into the pan to avoid having to roll it...You've done it too...

Right from the oven! It puffed!!! 

A close up of the beautiful puffiness! 

 The inside!! Look at the layers!!!! Fold, fold, fold! Again, could probably have puffed more- see that thicker layer in the middle?

Look how crispy! 

I suggest that everyone at some point in their lives make an attempt at making their own! It is so exciting when it works!!

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