Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Flour

There is nothing like New Years day. Scores of people are rushing to make and keep resolutions- new exercise programs, juice fasts, budgeting, and bettering themselves. Facebook is loaded with wishes, thank you's, and engagement photos. Everyone is ready to start fresh. I'm just like everyone else. I make resolutions and rarely keep them- I'll journal more, juice more vegetables, watch less TV and so on. But really when it comes down to it I hate to journal, I don't like cleaning the juicer, and Modern Family is on for hours every night...Instead, I think I'll do the same things just with more vigor.

In preparation for the French La FĂȘte des Roisis (Three Kings Day)- a small holiday that celebrates the three kings who brought gifts to Jesus after his birth- I am working on some puff pastry so that I can make a galette des rois (king's cake).  Now I am not very French, nor am I very religious, but I can't help but love la galette des rois. This is a cake made of a puff pastry shell and filled with sweet almond paste. Being a person who needs to eat gluten free I am very nervous about this puff pastry thing- I found a great recipe here, and bought this new flour. We'll see.....

Maybe my New Years resolution should include something about patience and using nicer words when I mess things up in the kitchen....

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